Tagged "microformats"

Introducing microformats-parser: a new parser for JavaScript

I wrote a microformats parser. Here's why, and how you can also use it.

This site hasn't been going for too long (at the time of writing, at least) - but I've always been inspired to include microformats as part of it. This was triggered by Jamie Tanna's post on marking up pronoun information in HTML. I've included marked-up data in my bio and feed, but I would like to also be able to verify this data is correct and as I expect while I'm making changes.

Unfortunately, I've not found an easy way of checking the parsed result without manually inputting it to an online parser, such as one of the many available at microformats.io. The existing JavaScript microformats parsers are no longer maintained and do not follow the current specification. So naturally, I decided to write my own...

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